March 18, 2024
We are proud to have made our 30th housemate match on March 16th, 2024. Sadly, it will be our last match for a bit, as we lost all of our funding in late January. We are suspending service throughout most of our service area pending either:
- securing new funding to begin either summer 2024 or summer 2025, and/or
- onboarding new Volunteer Matchmakers to provide in-person service in their own local communities within our service area (within an hour's drive of Roseville).
HSAR is proud to be a program of the interfaith nonprofit Placer People of Faith Together.
June 3 , 2023
We salute the volunteer room rental matchmakers celebrated in this NYT article, working without institutional support for the good of their community. Luckily, HSAR volunteer matchmakers don't have to go it alone. They get to serve, learn, and celebrate together as a team! Learn more at
May 12, 2023
Sacramento’s “Missing Middle Housing" initiative shares many of the same goals as homesharing! Their initiative aims to increase the diversity of housing types such as duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes (Missing Middle Housing), in single-unit neighborhoods.
But some "Middle Housing '' isn't even really "missing"... it's just sitting around as under-used empty bedrooms. Homesharing unlocks the benefits of diversifying housing types, such as increased housing supply, greater affordability, and more without having to hammer a single nail!
May 9, 2023
Come visit us at Yuba-Sutter-Colusa United Way’s Community Resource Fair on May 20th! We are one of the many government and non-profit organizations that will be in attendance this year.
May 5, 2023
Check out the HomeShare American River team on the Carmichael Times! Our press release will be rolling out across other Messenger Publishing Group papers over the next few weeks. Thanks so much for your support, MPG!
May 1, 2023
We would like to give a special thanks to iHeart Radio for the generous PSA they have been running since March 27th. Getting the word out about homesharing is crucial to our mission. It’s simple math: the more people we reach, the more people we are able to help. Thank you iHeart Radio! Click here to listen to the 30 second PSA.
April 25, 2023
Sometimes well intentioned policies have adverse effects on the very population they are trying to help, and the housing market is no exception. A recent study by Dr. Marina Gorzig and Dr. Deborah Roh found that reducing information on housing applications actually leads to higher levels of discrimination. You can find their full academic publication here.
At HomeShare American River, we avoid this consequence by being as thorough as possible in our application process. Asking questions helps us get a full picture of who someone is as an applicant and how they might fit into a shared home. We appreciate everyone who takes the time to fill out our application!
April 10, 2023
Homesharing is an international phenomenon! THE HomeShare – Dublin, Ireland’s homesharing program – teamed up with students from Trinity Business School to research the quantitative benefits of homesharing. You can view the report and explore their findings on HomeShare International’s website.
March 13, 2023
Kol Peterson, owner of Accessory Dwelling Strategies LLC and best known as "the ADU guy," reminds us that ADUs are an affordable housing solution that already exists without the need for governmental intervention. You can learn more about the value of ADU development in his report Mission-Driven Affordable ADU Programs.
March 10, 2023
Yesterday was “Slam the Scam” Day! Slam the Scam Day is an important part of the Social Security Administration’s National Consumer Protection Week, which takes place this year from March 5-11. You can celebrate by raising awareness of government imposter scams.
Do you know what to do if you receive a scam call, text message, letter, or email? Read up on some simple steps from the Social Security Administration here: to #SlamTheScam
March 2, 2023
Almost two years in and our service is stronger than ever! We are proud of the fact that we have matched up dozens of happy housemates across the region into safe, fair, valuable, and durable arrangements.
Got friends in the local media industry? Check out our press release here.
February 22, 2023
The Sacramento County Aging Resources website recently came out with a comprehensive directory for local, state, and national resources and services available to older adults and caregivers living in Sacramento County.
Check out their directory here!
February 16, 2023
Our big 2023 PR campaign kicks off with 60,000 postcards mailed throughout our service area this week... much more to come this month. And hey, you can brag that you knew about us BEFORE we were famous!
January 27, 2023
Fire insurance protects you financially from fire risk…but what’s going to protect you from the fire insurance itself?
A renter/housemate can help offset ballooning household costs, such as homeowner's insurance. In California insurance companies have been refusing to sell to homeowners due to the high risk of wildfires. This has raised the cost of homeowners insurance for some people by nearly 500%. See the full article from the San Francisco Chronicle here.
January 19, 2023
We are excited to be working alongside Sacramento ACT in their mission to create a more just and fair community for everyone in the Sacramento region. An important part of the work they are doing is understanding how our community is impacted by the housing crisis. Please check out their housing survey online here or at this linked Google Drive folder.
January 14, 2023
Check out our feature in the non-profit corner of today’s Gold Country Media newspapers (Auburn Journal, Folsom Telegraph, Lincoln News Messenger, Roseville Press Tribune, Placer Herald, and The Loomis News)!
December 31, 2022
It has been a great year for our HomeShare program – since July 2021, we have made a total of 16 matches, located from North Auburn to Elk Grove. We look forward to helping more people find homes in 2023 and years to come. You can find more stats and highlights from our past 18 months here.
November 27, 2022
New York Times: As Gen X and Boomers Age, They Confront Living Alone
The way we live is changing, especially with “one of the country’s fastest-growing demographic groups: people 50 and older who live alone.”
Check out the full article here to learn more about the benefits of communal living.
November 3, 2022
In our first 16 months, we have matched thirteen Guests among nine Hosts (including two re-matches) across Sacramento and Placer Counties (Roseville, Sacramento, Granite Bay, Orangevale, Rancho Cordova). More matches to come!
May 17, 2022
A word from Executive Director Justin Ellerby:
Every lack is a limit is a boundary is a shape is an edge is a tool.
Too abstract? In homesharing, the things we can't do for ourselves in our daily lives (driving to a doctor's appointment) create an empty space for someone else to fill with their time and skills, which creates a valuable exchange, which makes someone know that they are useful and valued, and that they have a niche in our home. I see so many people (literally!) dying to be of service to others, and the others don't even realize that their own needs could be creating an economic and spiritual opportunity for someone else.
May 16, 2022
As of today, we've now matched 7 Guests among 5 Hosts... Great way to spend a Sunday!
May 16, 2022
Now Out: Our 2022 Flyer
Today we're happy to unveil our newly updated 2022 flyer. If you live in our catchment area and would like to help us get the word out about what we do, please feel free to share it with your contacts or post it in your neighborhood!
For a link to PDF version of the file, click here.
April 29, 2022
"Sharing is Caring": HSAR's Lynn Nelson speaks with Inside Sacramento
“It’s very enriching to have a new perspective, a different person with different eating habits sharing your kitchen,” Lynn says. “It’s actually very comfortable. We’ve learned lots of new things. The inconveniences are minor compared to the blessing of sharing a home.”
Read the full article here!
March 15, 2022
So touched by the THREE homeowners (so far!) who have reached out to us to share their homes with a Ukrainian family in need, using the assistance of HSAR and a local partner organization! And in fact, our remarkably well-established existing Ukrainian immigrant community makes Greater Sacramento perhaps the best city in the US that these folks could hope to land!
"Sacramento ranks first in the nation in the share of its population that are Ukrainian immigrants..."
"[T]he Sacramento metropolitan area has more immigrants from Ukraine (20,000) than any other metropolitan area of California (Los Angeles metro has 17,000 and the Bay Area is home to 14,000)."
March 15, 2022
A letter of introduction to HSAR from Pam Miller, Executive Director of our funder, AAA4

February 14, 2022
To the singles among us who might be feeling left out of this Valentine's Day, know that you're in good company:
HomeShare American River works every day to help folks reclaim and/or maintain some of the important personal and "home ec" benefits we often lose when living single, whether just starting out, in a life transition, being divorced, widowed, etc.
Consider those you know (of) whose "home economics" might improve from using HomeShare American River to find and support them in getting a "neighbor down the hall"... even *without* them having to be their valentine!
January 15, 2022
7th World Homeshare Congress
While nonprofit homesharing programs are new to many of the people that we reach out to, we always stress that they're not actually new at all. In fact, since the first one was started in Vermont over 40 years ago, the concept has gone global! Case in point, Homeshare International just announced their 7th World Homeshare Conference.
Homesharing... it's kind of a big deal!
December 20, 2021
Note from Executive Director of HSAR
I am very grateful for the opportunity to present yesterday to St. John's Lutheran Church of Sacramento as part of their "Expanding Home" series of Education Hours.
While there, Pastor Amy explained to me that most folks misunderstand what the physical structure in which Jesus was born if we use our current understanding of "stable" or "inn" as we'd understand it today.
Or as the linked article explains: “'The actual design of Palestinian homes (even to the present day) makes sense of the whole story,” Paul writes. “Most families would live in a single-room house, with a lower compartment for animals to be brought in at night, and either a room at the back for visitors, or space on the roof. The family living area would usually have hollows in the ground, filled with straw, in the living area, where the animals would feed.' So Jesus would not have been born in a detached stable, but in the lower floor of a peasant house, where the animals were kept.'"
The upshot being that Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus were not consigned to an out-building, but were lodged in the "secondary guest room," and were thus truly *sharing the home* of their hosts.
Here's to the blessings of hospitality, generosity of spirit, finding home, and of giving itself!
Sincerely, Justin Ellerby
October 15, 2021
Hand in Hand: HSAR & Rebuilding Together
It is beneficial to witness and learn more about Rebuilding Together Sacramento's great work throughout the County!
Sometimes, affordable home repair/rehab/modification is the critical obstacle keeping someone from sharing their home (and pulling in that rental income / household services / companionship).
So when organizations like Rebuilding Together do their great work restoring one home, they can actually be saving TWO *homes*. Bravo!
Learn more here:
Rebuilding Together
September 13, 2021
KAHI News Radio Feature
HSAR Executive Director Justin Ellerby will be on KAHI 104.5 FM / 950 AM Auburn on "A Time for Seniors" this Tuesday, September 14th with host Anne Hidalgo to talk about HomeShare American River!
You can hear/distribute the episode now/anytime as an MP3 at:
August 12, 2021
Community Building for River Fire Victims
If you want to help any of the 100+ households displaced by the River Fire and:
(A) have a room, or even space for a trailer, on your property, OR
(B) know someone who does,
then HomeShare American River will work to make it safe, easy, and fair to provide a short- to medium-term placement.
Our sister program SHARE Sonoma did this beautifully in the wake of the Camp Fire, and their careful but swift placements made life much easier for those moved to help and those who needed it.
June 26, 2021
Feature: California Eviction Moratorium Deal
"Tenants, as well as their landlords, will be able to apply for 100% of back rent and up to three months of forward rent."
"The bill also shields evictions over non-payment of rent from appearing on a tenant’s record..."
"Evictions over non-payment of rent could resume on Oct. 1, but people who make less than 80% of the area median income and were financially affected by COVID would have another six months to apply for rental assistance funds.
Sounds great! But the devil's in the details, as always:
"Tenants Together said while the additional legal protections sound good in theory, they... [are] 'wishful thinking'.
"[Also, rent relief] money has gone out at a snail’s pace. While billions have been available since January, the state has distributed from its pot only $61.6 million in relief to a little more than 5,000 households so far."
June 24, 2021
KFBK News Radio Feature
HSAR Executive Director Justin Ellerby will be on The Afternoon News with Kitty O'Neal on KFBK NewsRadio! The shorter on-air interview will air twice on June 24, 2021, at 4:47pm and 6:17pm.
Justin will explore the struggles of the current housing market and speak of the valuable non-profit services provided by HSAR that matches renters with hosts with available rooms, including detailed background checking and follow-up.
June 23, 2021
Soothing Concerns
We received an inquiry last week from a senior facing daunting medical and housing challenges. We asked her if she would offer a potential Host some services as part of a partial rent-for-service exchange.
She was very surprised and cheered to realize:
(A) she can offer both committed companionship time AND driving services; and
(B) there are people out there with a spare room that would REALLY value both... we've just got to get the word to them!
Taking people's "haves"* seriously instead of only their "lacks" unlocks so much of value hiding everywhere around us.
*(personality, "everyday" skills, living space, vehicle)
June 21, 2021
Call to Matchmakers!
A key limit to how many people we can help, and where, is the strength and the breadth of our team of Matchmakers.
Some who are already matchmaking in their regular job duties (e.g; senior or on-campus social workers), but also many who are amazing volunteers like these and just can't help themselves from making and keeping matches for YEARS on end.
Currently inviting inquiries from Sacramento, Placer, Nevada, El Dorado, and Yolo Counties!
Also, read here what they say about why and how much they love bringing (and keeping!) matches together as a learning team:
Matchmakers: HomeShare Vermont Volunteers on YouTube
June 17, 2021
THIS is the kind of awfulness that HomeShare American River is here to prevent and address:
'Even for people who have these good incomes, they're having trouble,' Strauch explained. 'So I'm just like seniors and disabled people, boy, we can forget it.'
'You have these owners of single-family homes and it might be you know, their retirement, or they might be using it to take care of a parent who's in long term care, and the tenant was able to go for over a year without making any payments,' Skarbek said.
'And when you place that on a single individual owner, some of those owners can't bear it, and they're put into a position where they're forced to sell for financial reasons.'
Help spread the word about our service and our call for additions to our team of skilled, trained, volunteer Matchmakers!
June 18, 2021
Inspiration from the Executive Director of HSAR
A friend just shared that she'd lost her home to price-gouging years ago. Me too! I and Marta's rent went up *34%* with 30 days' notice! And tiny homes around us in Central Oak Park were going for ludicrous amounts.
BUT with homesharing, we MADE our housing affordable by buying a big *but not fancy* home that we've been happily sharing with 4 renter-housemates for a couple years now.... a GREAT strategy to beat the price-gougers while also preparing for later on also having kids and eventually housing our elders as they age.
Best part: We only charge $400, $425, $425, and $600 (all-included) for our rooms to local workers and STILL get the support we need for this big ol' place. These huge homes can be VERY affordable if you don't keep them all to yourself!
Sincerely, Justin Ellerby
June 18, 2021
Is California still facing an Eviction Tsunami when the Moratorium ends?
Think rent relief is going to solve the eviction crisis?
"[It] is unclear whether... [rent] relief will get to all households that need it soon enough... the funds are sufficient to pay back owed rent [and] whether households took on other forms of unsustainable debt — for example, through credit cards or other higher cost products like payday loans — to make ends meet during the pandemic."
"About 900,000 households in California are behind on rent, with an average of $4,600 in rental arrears."
And of course, HUGE disparities by race and family status.
"Analysis by PolicyLink suggests that about 900,000 households in California are behind on rent, with an average of $4,600 in rental arrears."
Cal Matters Article: California eviction moratorium ends June 30. Will there be a cliff? Link Here
June 18, 2021
A Match Made in Heaven
Had a great Matchmaker Info Session yesterday morning (more TBD here), and we are thrilled to welcome our first official volunteer Matchmaker, Mrs. Lynn Nelson of Roseville!
Lynn has lived a life of passionate dedication to social justice, literacy (here and abroad), and organizational development.
Read this incredible write-up of her story (and of Virgil, our dear Co-Founder). It is humbling to be working with these people who talk a good talk, and then WALK IT every day.
Learn more about their inspiring journey to develop Project Understanding, and the efforts they continue to take to create a more caring community.
Read the full Eskaton Article: A Catalyst for Change
Lynn & Virgil Nelson
Watch their interview on YouTube